I didn’t expect to think about strollers as much as I have in motherhood. I also didn’t expect to own as many strollers as we do.
I remember before we had kids, I heard that one of my friends had three strollers. I couldn’t believe it. Why would anyone need more than one?! …and now here I am with five. But, here is the thing with strollers: depending on your lifestyle and hobbies, it’s very easy to quickly rack up quite a few of them.
It can be overwhelming to decide which stroller to start out with a first baby, and beyond that, which stroller to add if you find yourself in a situation where you are adding another child to your family, are traveling a lot, like to run with a jogging stroller, enjoy biking and want to get a bike trailer, etc. Below I’m breaking down the reason we have each stroller.
The Strollers We Own

Uppababy Cruz
Our go-to stroller is the Uppababy Cruz. This was the first stroller we ever owned when A was born. We have their Mesa Carseat that G is also now using, and we added the piggyback stand to the Cruz for A. When G was a newborn, we also had the bassinet. The bassinet can also attach to a stand, which we had in our living room after G was born last summer. This stroller has served us very well and is our ‘everyday stroller’. I’m so glad we did not get the Vista which is enormous. I went back and forth between the Uppababy Cruz and the Nuna stroller. Ultimately I went with the Cruz because I liked the look and feel better. Their customer service is also amazing. We actually had to get the frame replaced after A was born because it was so squeaky. All I had to do was send in a video of the squeaky stroller and they immediately sent me a new frame. If you use their travel bags, they’ll replace any part that breaks during airline travel. We have travel bags for the stroller and carseat. They’re amazing.

Cybex Eezy S Twist
The next stroller we purchased was a travel stroller. In the summer of 2019 we traveled to Switzerland. About two weeks before leaving, I had the sudden realization that we should probably get a travel stroller. We bought the Cybex Eezy S Twist and I’m SO glad we did. This is a great option if you’re in the market for a reliable travel stroller. Once thing I always look for in a stroller (especially one I’m using for travel) is that the handle is an actual bar, and not two individual handles for each hand. I need to be able to push the stroller with one hand. This stroller was easy to take on and off trains in Europe. It is also what we use when we travel and know we will only need a stroller in the airport. I don’t want to schlep around a big normal size stroller if it’s only going to be used for a few hours while walking to board our plane.

Thule Jogging Stroller
When A was a year and a half old, we added the Thule Jogging Stroller to our collection. I actually went to BuyBuyBaby to ‘test drive’ the Thule against the BOB stroller. The Thule was so much more sleek, easy to use, and smooth. I am obsessed with this stroller and can’t wait to use it again this summer when G is a little older. It’s so much easier to push heavy babies in this thing as opposed to our Cruz.
Thule Coaster XT Bike Trailer
This summer we are super excited to bike with our kids! We got this Thule Bike Trailer which can double as a stroller. This is actually very convenient since we can detach it wherever we bike to and… voilà! We have a double stroller! Once again we turned to Thule when it was time to get a bike trailer. We have their bike seat too, which worked really well with A in the summer of 2020. I knew that we loved Thule products (we have their roof cargo carrier system as well) so it was easy to decide to go with one of their trailers.
No pictures yet since we have yet to use it and are waiting for my bike to go get fixed up after being in storage for so long since I was busy having a baby last summer.

Summer Infant Double Travel Stroller
The side-by-side double stroller was something I didn’t think we’d ever get. We never needed it. Our oldest child prefers to walk/run/bike/scooter instead of riding in the stroller. Or he’ll use the kickstand on the Cruz. There was just no need for a double stroller….until I booked a solo flight with both kids. Thankfully we’ve done several flights as a family of four, so I could mentally walk through how a flight alone with both children would look like. However, I just couldn’t picture how this would all work out if I did not have a double travel stroller. I looked at a lot of different options. I knew we’d only be using this stroller in the airport, so I didn’t want to invest a lot of money into buying one. I ended up choosing this Summer Infant stroller off of Amazon that had great reviews and would be perfect for traveling. I leave this week for Austin, so I’ll report back on how it does while traveling.

I’m a big believer in a minimalist lifestyle and not buying things you don’t use all of the time and/or not keeping anything in your house that you’re not using on a regular basis. This especially applies to baby and kid things. However, I’m also all for adventuring and traveling with your children and getting gear that will help the experience be easy and less stressful. I’m learning that having designated strollers for different adventures is a really great thing for our family.