Over the last year and a half of living in Portland, it’s been fun to discover the small shops that are here. Below are five of my favorite local places to buy things in this city. I will default to shopping to the stores listed below first before turning to big box stores.

1. The Yo! Store
This is hands-down my favorite shop in Portland (how cute is that hanger on the wall??). It’s got items for women and children. I have purchased a lot of jewelry from The Yo! Store and last year we bought almost all of the Christmas gifts for our children from here. Reading about the founder, Sarah Radcliffe, was super interesting and inspiring as well. (her house is so cool!)

2. Shop Merci Milo
This cute shop has so many toys. They have a shop in LA and Portland, and their website has seemingly endless options for adorable toys. Whenever I need a gift for a kiddo I’ll look here first.

3. Eco Vibe
I love this shop for house decor and plants. They especially have a great selection around the holidays. We have a throw blanket and pillow from this shop, and I loaded up on a lot of their Christmas decorations during our first winter in Portland. Their stuff looks good and is at a great price point. And if you like plants, this is the place for you.

4. Canoe
I love Canoe for their beautiful and random gadgets. They have everything from kitchen tools to baby rattles to jewelry. All of it is cool and tasteful and all of it I would buy. This was one of the first small shops I stepped into when I first visited Portland in 2016. It’s still very rad seven years later.

5. Bridge & Burn
This store sells excellent mens and women’s clothing. Their clothes are very stylish, high quality, and have an outdoorsy vibe. C goes there often to buy his clothes and they have a fun selection of graphic tees. And you know it’s cool since Tan has shopped here!