Three years ago I accidentally started using Beautycounter. And now today I’ve found myself only using their products. But it’s time to shake things up. While their products are really good, I’d rate the company and products a 7 out of 10.
The Back Story
I began my “cleaning up” my beauty products about three years ago when I switched to Primally Pure skincare. About six months after switching I experienced a reaction to a non-hormonal IUD which, unfortunately, caused a major reaction on my face and neck. I began breaking out like I never had before. It’s a long story, I learned a lot, and in the end I had to get a chemical peel facial to get rid of all the scaring that the hormonal cystic acne left behind. Before (left) and after (right) pics are below.

**FYI if you’re in Portland, I got the chemical peel from Harley True. I had a consultation, went over what happened and what I wanted to fix (acne scarring and pigmentation) and the facial actually worked! I was so happy.
Thoughts On Beautycounter
All this skincare history to say, while I was on a search to find products to help acne that Primally Pure could not provide, I made my first purchase from Beautycounter. I started with the spot treatment product, and then began using their face soap. Over the last three years I’ve added Vitamin C Serum, Overnight Resurfacing Peel, Charcoal Mask, a cleansing oil, and more to my skincare routine.
What I Like:
I love their Vitamin C serum and the glow that it gives my skin. And whenever I have a pimple coming in, I’ll use the charcoal mask and once that’s done I’ll apply the overnight resurfacing peel. I’ll wake up in the morning and like magic, the pimple is (usually) gone. This combo does a really good job of eliminating acne. I will travel with this duo in case a flight causes a breakout.
What I Don’t Like:
What irks me with Beautycounter is the price. It is very expensive and unless you are a member, you never get free shipping. And even when you are a member, you only get free shipping if you spend over $100. It’s very expensive and while I do believe investing in skincare is a great idea, I’m not sure that I totally believe in Beautycounter’s mission… or quite honestly the skincare industry at all.
Skincare Restart: What I’m Switching To

I recently listened to this podcast episode and it has transformed the way I think about the beauty industry and skincare in general. I’ve decided to scale way, way back and simplifying my skincare routine (general gist of the podcast can be read here).
Here is what I’m plan on doing:
- Cleansing with Manuka honey
- Supergoop’s glowscreen for daytime use
- Primally Pure’s clarifying serum before bed after cleansing with Manuka honey (also considering
I’m looking forward to seeing how my face does with these changes and simple products. The plan is to scale way back and let my skin do what it needs to do instead of intervening with beauty industry ‘must have’ products. I also really appreciate that this is a much more cost effective way to approach beauty. I don’t have to be a member, I can get free shipping on all of these items, and they are moderately priced.