This is quite possibly the most enthusiastic, surprising, and fun post I’ll ever do on this website (kidding…kind of). In a true miracle moment, we are buying a home in our favorite neighborhood in Portland. It all happened faster than we could have anticipated. So fast that, we are still picking up our shocked jaws from the ground and trying to wrap our heads around the fact that we are moving in less than a month.
Long Story Short, This Is What Happened:
We had just returned from Mexico and my parents were still in town. We ran out to see four open houses just to start to get a feel for what we liked. We hadn’t even met with our realtor (we had an intro call scheduled the next day with the realtor). We came home starry eyed and in a daze after seeing our dream home. We called the realtor the next day, by Monday we were in the home again with her, and that night we made an offer. By Tuesday evening we had an accepted offer. We were in shock. To be honest, I’m still in shock.
C and I believed whole heartedly it would take 6+ months to find a home and that we would have to make at least five to six offers on different houses before going under contract. In fact, one of the realtors we spoke with recently told us she had a listing that received 22 offers this spring! Needless to say, the fact that we fell deeply in love with one of the first houses we saw, decided to make an offer, and then 24 hours later had that offer accepted is truly a miracle. Everything I prayed for around finding a home is happening, and it’s all happening faster and easier than I could have even imagined.

The home is (literally) 100 years old and is located in a historic district neighborhood within Portland. The previous owners were incredible people who recently updated the kitchen and kept the home in great shape over the last fifteen years. It’s on a tree lined street in the school district we wanted. In the fall, the neighborhood literally looks like a scene out of a movie. It’s gorgeous!
I’m excited to share more, and thrilled to design all the amazing spaces in this home. My mind feels as if it’s bursting with ideas and I can’t wait to get in the house and start making it our own.