This website has sadly been neglected more than I’d like it to be over the last month. With buying a home, moving, spending six days in Austin, and not having childcare in Portland….your girl has been busy! I’ve got a lot of fun things up my sleeve to share, and I’m posting some sneak peaks of our new home over on IG. Our house feels like it has a list of things that is literally forever long. But I know we aren’t in a rush and we’ll get there soon. I was telling a friend this week how I’m so used to renting homes where I move in and immediately set everything up because I’m on the clock until we’re moving again. Thankfully, that’s not the case with this move and I can take my time figuring it all out.
The photo above was taken on our flight home earlier this week. We cruised right by Mount Hood. It felt like we could reach out and touch the mountain. It’s one of the best airplane views of the mountain we’ve had. Oregon is so beautiful!
And now, four fun things on this gorgeous summer Friday:

Wine Cooler
We’ve been sitting out on our front steps on these beautiful PNW summer nights sipping wine and meeting our new neighbors. This marble wine cooler has gotten a lot of use and I love how it makes me feel like I’m at a restaurant even though I’m literally sitting on the front steps (and usually in loungewear).
Photo above is from a restaurant we went to in Amsterdam a few years back. I love that my reservation name was on the table.

Styling Shelves
In one of the rooms in our house, there is an entire wall of built-ins. I’m proud that I was able to shop my own house and style these shelves. It was oddly relaxing to figure out how to make it all work together. I originally wanted to take out the shelves when we first moved. While built-ins seem nice, they’re sort of a pain as they require styling and also are another thing that needs dusted/cleaned. For now, I’m going to keep them and see how it goes.

A Small Home Update
Anther house update we did this week was removing the indoor shutters. Just because something is old in a house does not mean it needs to stick around just for the sake of it being old. Removing them made every room brighter and feel so much bigger. We can actually see out of our windows now!

Summertime Nails & The Best Swimsuit Ever
I’ve loved Olive & June nail polish for years, and I’ve been wearing the CV red all summer (named after Clare V. who happens to make the best bags. I have this one). It’s the perfect orange-y red and has a nice pop as seen in the smoochy photo above.
Also: My swimsuit is Left On Friday (the hi hi bottoms and double scoop top – both in Deep End) and it’s the best swimsuit I’ve ever owned. Very flattering, slightly revealing, but modest enough to chase little kids around a pool and hang out with family. I also love this page on their website where real women post photos of themselves. This was tremendously helpful when deciding what style / size to get.