Way back in Fall 2020, right before I got pregnant and when I was desperate to not be wearing leggings or sweats anymore because of the pandemic, I bought a bunch of cute winter clothes (knowing there was a high chance I’d get pregnant soon and not able to wear any of them, lol). About 3 weeks later… I found out I was pregnant.
Then, last fall/winter, I was deep into postpartum and nursing. I didn’t really recognize my body and wasn’t really leaning into style. I was focusing on getting strong again and powering through the wild times of having a tiny baby.
This fall and winter I finally feel like myself again and have been leaning into clothes and style. I’ve been taking a lot of inspo off of pinterest and people I follow (Natalie, Mallory, Jacie, Shannon) which has been so helpful, too. It’s all been really fun and keeps me from reaching for a pair of leggings and crewneck sweatshirt again. My rule of thumb is that if I’m leaving the house (which is almost every single day) then I’m getting properly dressed. Of course there are days where I am cleaning, doing laundry, and catching up on life where I do hang out in my workout clothes all day. Totally fine. But for my mental sanity and to help me feel like a human being, I try to get fully showed, dressed, and put together by 10am each day.
Outfits I’ve Been Wearing All The Time

What I’m Wearing Above: Shacket, Jeans, Bag, Similar Boots

What I’m Wearing Above: Sweater, Jeans
I’d been eyeing this sweater since last year, and finally bought it this year. I love it! It’s so cozy and VERY warm. Definitely size down.

What I’m Wearing Above: Duster, Jeans, Tank (obsessed with these tanks)
I wore this duster at my sisters wedding. I wear it all the time now. To church, to the studio, around the house. Love it!

What I’m Wearing Above: Turtleneck, Jeans
I’ve had these jeans for almost a year. They’re awesome. I have two of these turtlenecks and reach for them all of the time. They’re ribbed and super stretchy.

What I’m Wearing Above: Jeans, Sweater (similar linked)

What I’m Wearing Above: Jacket, Leggings, Socks, Shoes, Bag, Hat, Sweatshirt
I wear some combo of this outfit on Tuesdays and Thursdays since I’m working at the Barre3 studio and doing preschool drop off / pick up.
Outfits I Plan On Wearing Over The Holidays

What I’m Wearing Above: Jeans, Duster, Tank (similar), Clogs
I plan on wearing this out for our holiday date next week!

What I’m Wearing Above: Jeans, Shacket, Tank, Shoes

What I’m Wearing Above: Jeans, Similar Top (original above is also from Anthro), Shoes
This is my Christmas Eve look! This top is like 7 years old, and I’m still wearing it! I love when that happens.