Oregon has a lot to offer, but if you’ve been around here for a while you’ll know nothing can compare to my love of the Oregon Coast. It’s a ton of work to get out there, a lot of energy to entrain our children on the beach, and typically everything ends up covered in sand by the end of the day. But it’s always alway always worth it. Lots of pictures below to prove my point.

The History Of Short Sand Beach
This particular beach holds a special place in our hearts because it’s the first hike we did in Oregon (ever!) eight years ago when we came to visit. I remember our drive out to the coast after landing at PDX and how I couldn’t get over how beautiful it was. I wish I could go back and tell myself as I drove to the trailhead that one day I’d be bringing my kids here. Every time we pull up and park the car and our stuff piles out and we’re hustling to get the kids dressed and loaded into carriers and technically on a schedule due to lunches and nap times (even though I try not to think about the schedule on days like these)… I stop and pinch myself that this is where we get to live. And then when the trail winds out and around and we finally get to the beach it’s truly stunning and I feel a wave a gratitude all over again.
A Different Approach To A Beach Day
We started talking about heading out to the coast on Friday, and C was a little confused on exactly what we’d do. It’s about a half mile hike out to the beach from where the parking lot is. Typically on a beach day we will schlep some chairs and a blanket and beach toys and a blanket out to the sand and set up a spot.
This time around, because of the weather and mini hike to the beach, we opted to approach the entire thing as a hike. Once we got to the beach, we walked all up and down and hopped on large rocks and checked out water falls and the little streams that went out to the ocean. We watched surfers go out and come back in, threw rocks into the sand, and bundled up even more when the rain started falling harder.
Once we got back to the entry point of the beach, we quickly ate lunch while watching another big rain storm slowly approach us, and then headed back to the car — which was about .5 miles away. At this point it was full on raining, and I was very grateful we all had rain gear. Especially this $29 item that is amazing and I tell everyone to buy.