Category: Adventures

Short Sand Beach

Oregon has a lot to offer, but if you’ve been around here for a while you’ll know nothing can compare to my love of the Oregon Coast. It’s a ton of work to get out there, a lot of energy…

Our Favorite Hike In The Gorge

Wahclella Falls This hike has quickly become our favorite waterfall and hike in The Gorge. It’s so easy to do, and a really beautiful hike. The actual falls are stunning. I used to hate repeating hikes because there are so…

Sledding At Mount Hood

Right before Christmas we took the kids out to Mount Hood to sled. It feels so magical to drive away from the city, and less than an hour and a half later you’re in a winter wonderland! If you’re an…

A Morning Spent At Oceanside, OR

A few weekends back we spent a Saturday morning at Oceanside. We frequent this beach so often, and have already racked up lots of family memories here. We love the huge wall that blocks most of the wind. It’s a…

A Morning At Trillium Lake

Solo Trip With The Kids Last month C was traveling for work. Which meant I had the kids solo for three days. I decided last minute that I was going to take them out to Trillium Lake for the day.…