Cheers to FEBRUARY!!!! January was a grind. For so many reasons. But it’s a new month, with new plans and goals and the sun has been shining in Portland for three straight days. I’m not usually one to be ready for spring and summer temps (I am drawn to colder weather), but I’m actually looking forward to slightly warmer weather so that when we go on walks it doesn’t take 45 minutes to get my kids bundled up. IYKYK.
Monthly Date Nights
One of our goals for the year was to go on monthly date nights. Of course the first month of the year we failed – ha! To be fair, we had a sitter ready and booked. But I ended up being so tired and knew I wouldn’t enjoy myself and needed to just go to bed, so we canceled. Our goal is to do two date nights this month. I’m excited to finally go out try out some bars and restaurants around Portland. We’re coming up on three years living here… it’s time!
Solo Parenting
C is headed out on a work trip for five days later this month. I got all my shifts at the studio covered and canceled any appointments that weren’t absolutely necessary for that week. I plan on finding some fun valentines day activities to do, easy and exciting meals for the kids, and taking a lot of Barre3 classes to utilize their childcare for a break and a sweat sesh. (They have childcare! Did you know that?)
Schedule Ramp Up
This month our schedule is going to ramp up with swim lessons (we got in!), soccer starting, preschool two days a week, and more shifts at the studio. I’m excited for it all to begin, but I’m starting to feel like we need a weekly family calendar on the wall to keep track of who needs to be where and when!
Monthly Hiking
We snagged not one but TWO hikes last month! You can read about them here and here. We’ve got plans for another hike this month, and I am already looking forward to it. Just making a simple goal of one hike a month has been so great for our family. We have found that months would slip right on by and we wouldn’t realize how long it’s been since we went out for a hike. This one-a-month goal is easy to achieve and helps ensure that we’re carving out at least one weekend to get outside for an adventure.
Forest School Update
I’m still feeling a little heartbroken by this, but we are transitioning A to a ‘real’ preK program next year. He has LOVED forest school and I’ve loved all that it is has done for him. His bravery and confidence have grown a signficant amount and he’ll head outside no matter what’s going on with the weather. Of course this is in large part due to his outdoor gear. But I’m still proud (and grateful) for all that forest school has taught him. There are a million reasons I recommend an all outdoor preschool!
However, for next year we wanted to prioritize learning about classroom routines, begin the introduction to writing and math, and overall understand what all is involved with school. I feel good about our decision and I love his teacher that he’ll have next year. But I’m a little sad forest school will be coming to and end. To be honest, I’m probably more sad that he is growing up and moving on to bigger and longer days. I just can’t believe he’ll be five next year. FIVE! Anyway. I will say: I’m not going to miss the massive commute we’ve been doing to get out to school twice a week! And I don’t think A will miss that either.
What I’m Reading
This is very random, but I picked up This Naked Mind after seeing it recommended on IG. I have a goal to only have a drink on the weekend. I’ve been slacking at this goal. I figured reading some research on what alcohol does to our bodies and the culture around drinking that we have unconsciously accepted would give me the kick in the pants I need to stick to my goal. So far it’s really good and making me thing I should stop drinking altogether – ha!
Lastly, I haven’t been sharing many outfit pics because it’s the winter and I just wear my uniform. Which is this photo below, lol. Cheers to February!