Our Favorite Household Items
Happy New Year! I’ve put together this collection of random favorite things we use all.the.time. in our house. They’re staples in our home and make our life easier and better. I love learning what everyone’s favorite can’t-live-without products. So please please share with me, too! Most of the items below we’ve been using for 2+ years.
Blueland Hand Soap & Dish Soap: We’ve been using these for a year and a half. The hand soap scents are really good and we’ve seriously decreased our plastic use by doing this.
Dropps Laundry Detergent: We switched to Dropps two years ago and use their laundry pods and dishwasher pods. Their minimal environmental impact is impressive, and they are truly nontoxic.
Ridwell: We signed up for Ridwell in January 2022 and haven’t looked back. It’s pretty straightforward, and despite loathing how much plastic we are still using (that pesky shipping plastic is everywhere), at least we have this option to recycle properly.
Who Gives A Crap: Another product we’ve been using for a couple of years: this toilet paper. The key is to order the bamboo toilet paper (it’s softer). I love that you can order a GIANT box of them and you’ll be stocked for months.
Milk Steamer: Every morning people! I use this every single morning! It quickly elevates my coffee.
Force Of Nature: The best nontoxic cleaner (and the only cleaner) our family uses. You make a new batch every two weeks. It’s as strong as bleach, but you spray it on your fruits and veggies(!!!).
Peanut Butter Stirrer: Ok, I lied. We just got this. But TRUST ME on this one. It’s so good!! No more greasy peanut butter jars!
Pillows: We ordered these pillows on mega sale on Cyber Monday, and then ordered them again for our guest bedroom. They’re that good.
Cordless Lamp: I needed a very short lamp for the shelves in the playroom. The shelves are nowhere near an outlet. Enter: this very short cordless lamp!